1: Who Are We?

Wisconsin Alpine is a student run team consisting of both men’s and women’s teams that competes in ski races in the Midwest and nationally as a member of USCSA. We provide opportunities to compete in ski racing for skiers and snowboarders of any level.

2: Who Can Join?

We welcome any student with an interest in ski or snowboard racing and improving their abilities including tenured, high-level racers. There is no prior racing experience necessary and there are no tryouts.

3: Where Do We Race?

We race throughout the Midwest in 6 races from early January through the end of February. In a typical season, we race at Wild Mountain, Mt. La Crosse, Giants Ridge, Chestnut Mountain, Spirit Mountain, and Marquette Mountain. There is also Nationals competition in mid-March that has been held at resorts such as Jackson Hole, Lake Placid, and Mt. Bachelor.

4: Who Coaches the Team?

Our head coach, Dr. David Thorson, is an experienced ski coach with decades of coaching experience with all levels of racers. He has been an invaluable member and plays a large part in the teams success each season.

5: Are There Any Tryouts?

There are no tryouts to join our team. Anyone who has interest in ski racing is welcome to join!

6: What’s Included in the Cost?

Yearly cost for the team include transportation to practices and races, lodging, access to tuning equipment, and race fees for the entire season.

7: What Equipment Do I Need?

Essential equipment includes skis, well-fitted ski boots, poles, a FIS-approved helmet, goggles, as well as snow pants and a warm jacket. More experienced racers often have slalom and GS skis, a speed suit, as well as pole guards and shin guards.

8: I Don’t Have All Of That Equipment, What Now?

If you do not have the equipment needed, we have many current and former team members who have old or extra equipment that they don’t use anymore and are willing to loan or sell at a fair price. Some team members opt to purchase equipment from local ski shops in the Madison area.

9: What Fun Things Do We Do?

We pride ourselves on being a team beyond the ski hill. Outside of skiing, we have dryland practices, bonfires, late night ice skating, a Fall and Spring Formal, a Winter Break trip, as well as many other spontaneous events throughout the year.

10: When Are Dryland Practices?

Dryland practices are twice a week starting sometime in the Fall after the start of classes. These are a great opportunity for fun, a good workout, and to meet your teammates! Stay tuned for dates.

11: How Can I Contribute to the Success and Future of Wisconsin Alpine?

Follow this link to donate online today! Donations go towards a National Championship Endowment, which more information can be found about here.

12: How Can I Join?

If you’re interested in joining or have any more questions, please reach out to our Directors, Alec Riddle and Andrew Santamarina. You can get in touch with them by emailing Also make sure to visit us at the Student Org Fair! Follow this link for more info.